Sunday, October 6, 2013

This T-shirt is designed to fool Facebook auto-tagging

Realface Glamoflage(Credit:
To hide from the all-seeing eye of Sauron the NSA, you've got your anti-drone wardrobe: a metalized hoodie, a burqa, and a scarf.
But what about social media? How are you going to avoid the relentless gaze of Facebook and auto-tagging? Well, here's one idea: T-shirts designed to throw off face algorithms.
Designed by Simone C. Niquille, the Realface Glamoflage shirts are plastered with distorted images of celebrity faces such as Michael Jackson and Britney Spears.
The shirts were conceived as part of Niquille's thesis at the Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam, where she worked on fashion designs to deter automated recognition.

Niquille has also designed a marketplace called FaceBay, where users can trade faces for use online. Maybe in the future, we'll all have interchangeable faces and recognize each other by some method that's yet to be imagined.
The distorted faces of celebrity impersonators on the shirts are designed to confuse Facebook algorithms. If you have several Michael Jackson faces under your own, what tags will the algorithms come up with?
"I was interested in the T-shirt as a mundane commodity," Niquille told Wired.
"An article of clothing that in most cases does not need much consideration in the morning in front of the closet... I was interested in creating a tool for privacy protection that wouldn't require much time to think in the morning, an accessory that would seamlessly fit in your existing everyday. No adaption period needed."
The shirts, which also include faces resembling that of Barack Obama, can be custom printed for roughly $65. Check out details at Niquille's Web site here.

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